Meet the committee

Meet our dedicated volunteer committee members who keep this club running! If you have any questions related to the club please don’t hesitate to ask us.

Chair person: Jo Mallinson

Role: To chair committee meetings and liaise with external bodies

What is your favourite triathlon discipline?
I’m quite rare in the triathlon world and would definitely say swimming. I never swam competitively when I was younger and taught myself to swim front crawl when I wanted to get into triathlon many years ago. It’s the discipline I think I’ve improved in the most and I absolutely love it, especially open water and the choppier the better!

What is your go to pre-race breakfast?
2 toasted white bagels with strawberry jam and a cup of tea. Bagels are very carbohydrate dense so they give you enough energy for ~90mins racing, and for me its a big treat as who doesn’t love bagels?!


Vice chair person: Rachel Deane

Role: To look after business in absence of the chair person

What got you into triathlon?
My background and love is swimming with the majority of my youth spent at galas or training for competitions. As I fast approached 40 I set myself the goal of running a marathon and decided to also start swimming again in order to support my training and injury prevention. My interest in triathlon was sparked following an open water session at Colwick where I was asked, “ if you swim and run, why don’t you start cycling and do triathlon ! “. So that was it, I joined TFN and my triathlon story began…. And I bought pinky, my beautiful bike.


What do you like about TFN?
Our mantra is Total friendship, fun and fitness and I believe this really is a true reflection of TFN and members. The club encourages participation, provides advice and encouragement to all members, whether starting out , coming back, maintaining or to those that are competing at GB level. Being a member of this club has given me confidence to push myself while have friends to provide valuable advice and experience….. especially on the subject of coffee and cake stops!

Secretary: Julie Lambourne

Role: Point of contact for all things official

Favourite triathlon discipline
Bike or run. Depends on which side of bed I get out of.

First triathlon
Erewash Novice Triathlon in 2007. I was terrified before the start but once started enjoyed every second of it. Giggled my way through transitions but managed 1st lady overall.

Biggest race blunder
Too many to list but one of them was leaving a gel in my trainers for the run. Forgot it was there and couldn’t get my shoe on. Took ages to realise why! Precious seconds lost.

Pants or no pants under cycling shorts?
Definitely NO pants under cycling shorts

If you could re-invent triathlon, what three sports would you include?
Bike, bike and bike. I might stand a chance then.

Treasurer: Nigel Turner

Role: To keep the purse strings in check

If you could re-invent triathlon, what three sports would you include?
Should be Finance, Twister & cycling

What is your biggest wish
Ban the swim


Coach representative: Ashley Chapman

Role: To be the link between the coaching team and committee

If you could rewind time and tell yourself a piece of advice before your first triathlon, what would it be?
Don’t try and put a t-shirt on when you’re wet after the swim!

If you could do a triathlon relay with two celebrities, who would they be and why?
Chrissie Wellington – Unbeaten and set the standards for others to follow (I met her when she was lost in Canary Wharf tube station, we got chatting while I showed the way out during London 2012). Sebastien Coe – My all-time athletics hero from when I started as a boy.

What is your Holy Grail of racing (triathlon/cycling/running etc)?
So far, Alpe d’Huez triathlon.

Membership secretary: Timmy Doyle

Role: To look after all our current members and increase our membership base

What is the funniest thing that has happened in a race?
I competed in the Bahrain Half Marathon whilst working out there. The race was held within a zoo, which was unusual in itself, but as the race commenced I realised not all the animals were behind bars and were roaming free!! The gun went and I soon found myself towards the front of the race, when in the distance I saw ostriches charging directly towards us. I had not come across this race situation before so kept going, whilst they kept getting closer and closer, eventually running directly in front us just a few metres away!

What single life-time experience stands out?
In the late nineties, I left my engineering job to backpack around the world for 3 years which was my single life-time experience. Running gave me some of my best experiences from exploring new cities, making new friends at local clubs, jogging in minus 24 degrees in Banff Canada, running along breath taking coastlines in Hawaii, competing in a locals team in the Nepalese triathlon and running in Canadian woodland where I startled a bear who made chase!


Social Media Secretary: Joon Wee Ho

Role: To create social media content to show how amazing our club is

What was your first triathlon like?
Woburn Abbey Triathlon in 2016. It was wet, I only learned how to cycle clipless the day before, the lake swim was muddy and stank, I had a dicky tummy, I didn’t know anyone at the race (and hadn’t yet joined a club)… but I absolutely loved it!

What do you like about TFN Tri Club?
Friendly and welcoming to all abilities, solid training sessions and fun socials!

What are your race ambitions for the next 12 months?
A long distance triathlon…

Social Secretary: Christina Brady

Role: To bring loads of fun events to our members

What got you into triathlon?

I did my first ever multisport event at TFNs Go Tri back in September 2018, having never even heard of TFN. I remember crying travelling to the lake on the day because I was so scared of open water. By the time I left I was so elated by having succeeded in swimming (and not crying on anyone!) and then running, and felt so warmly welcomed by the members of TFN I joined the club not knowing anyone. Over the years I got to know so many lovely people in the club, some are now my closest friends! I blame them entirely for my triathlon habit.

Who is your triathlon hero?

Harry and Miriam. Total legends. But don’t tell them I said that.

What single life experience stands out?

When we brought kitten Dennis home for the first time. He is the star of the show.

Social Secretary: Miriam Tyler

Role: To bring loads of fun events to our members

What’s my favourite discipline?
A lovely long trail run. Also love cycling uphill (but not down thank you very much)

Top tip for your first tri
It’s okay to have a little wee in your wetsuit pre race

Unusual fact about myself
I’ve convinced loads of people I’m Greek or part Greek and definitely am not (but wish I was!)

Events Secretary: Steve Haigh

Role: To organise club GoTri events

What is your favourite triathlon discipline?
None of them! I’m an accidental and reluctant triathlete. I was never a swimmer, cyclist or runner. And I still don’t like any of them! But exercising gets me cake credits…

If you could do a triathlon relay with two celebrities, who would they be and why?
Alastair Brownlee and Kristian Blumenfeld. They would go first, and then I might have a chance of being in the lead in a race for the first time in my life!


Social media assistant: Tom Hibberd

Role: To assist the social media secretary on promoting the club

What got you into triathlon?
I was swim, bike, running in the gym and it seemed a natural progression to do it outside

If you could re-invent triathlon, what three sports would you include?
Breakfast, lunch and dinner…

Social media assistant: Harry Hitchcock

Role: To assist the social media secretary on promoting the club

What is your favourite training session?

A long, hilly, brutal ride in the Peaks, or anywhere with hills steep enough you worry about not being able to make it to the top. We’re really lucky in Nottingham to be so close to such a great area to cycle in, and we’ve had several monster sessions around there as a club. If it’s flat it’s boring, right?

What do you like about TFN?

It’s an incredibly social club! There’s a great mix of training, socials, races and excursions to suit everyone. Being surrounded by others who enjoy the same sport(s) really makes training and racing that much more enjoyable. We’ve egged each other into so many ridiculous events: cycling Scotland to Nottingham in a day, Ultra-Marathons, riding to Wales and back in a day, epic swims and so many ridiculous challenges…

Pants or no pants under cycling shorts?

No pants. People who wear pants under cycling shorts aren’t people you should be friends with.