A fixture in the triathlon calendar is the National Triathlon Relays held right at our doorstep at Holme Pierrepont National Watersports Centre. Thanks to some cat-herding by Adrian Campbell, team TFN whipped up seven teams to participate in the “organised chaos”!
TFN Spanners – Steve Spanker Haigh, Jackhammer Jez Smedley, Shaheed Angle-Grinder Abbas-Norris, Mike Mallet Jones
TFN Tri-Hard Cath Woop-woop Stocks, Bob BTF Marley, Smiley Lucy Spence and Rosie UltraNutter Helps
TFN Tigers Jaguar Josh Gardiner, Orla Ocelot Godfrey, P-Ann-ther Gould, Ash Cheetah Chapman
TFN Bombshells Jenny Glitzy Gibbon, Emma Margarita Mason, Julie Jubilee Lambourne, Jo Prosecco Mallinson
TFN Nappers Adrian Aussie Campbell, Nigel the Don Turner, Mark Doyley-Doyle, Christina Catnap Brady
TFN Legends Timmy Woop-woop Doyle, Coach John Budworth, Adrian Ade Wheatley, Lisa the Chan-meister
TFN Feisty Foreigners Jess Gnocchi Necchi, Vreni Raclette Verhoeven, Cath Croissant Millet, Joon Spring-Rolled Ho
We had an absolute blast on the day; great company, perfect weather, with a bit of racing in between! Kudos to Josh and Shaheed for their first relay experience!